3 Horizons, 24" x 36", found plexi glass, loose canvas, wood, and gesso, 2022

Scattered Debris, 48" x  36", found wood, plexi glass, leaf, and gesso, 2022

Scattered Debris, 24" x 36", found plexi glass, wire, leaf, and marble slate, 2022

Sun, found wood, 30” x 12” tile, string, and gesso, 2022

Tile, wood, rusty nail, and string , 10” x 6”, 2021

Flip Book, 12.5" x 2.5", graphite, charcoal, and paper, 2022

Boat cooler top, 10” x 18”, wallpaper, string, gaffers tape, and gesso, 2022

Studio Fallout, 12"x 18", debris from process and leftover clay, 2022

Found fiber glass, 1’ x 2.5’, mixed media collage with painted shower curtain, fruit netting, hemp string, and canvas, 2021

Found fiber glass 2, 3.5’x 4.5’, mixed media collage with painted shower curtain, hemp string, and drawing paper, 2021

DD. Blue, Found wood tablet, 8” x 10” x 2”, collage with potato sack, hemp string, and wallpaper, 2021

D.D. Blue Found plywood, 4.5” x 8”, collage with wallpaper and potato sack, 2021

Stack of work, 8"x 11", 2021

DD blue, 29” x 10”, mixed media collage, 2021

Found Cabinet , 36”x 16”, tile, net, string, and wood collage, 2021

Found Cabinet , 36”x 16”, shower curtain, kite string, shoelace, and wood collage, 2021

Mowed grass on wood panel, 20” x 48”, 2022

Collected at the marina 48” x 48”, found material collage, 2021

 Glass Microcosm, 14.5" X 12", accumulation of found materials, 2022 

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